Rigging Mechanical Equipment Danville Illinois

Here’s a job we just did that involved trucking and rigging some mechanical equipment for a client in Danville Illinois.
It’s an air compressor. What are air compressors? Simply stated the most common use is for chilling the air. If you want to read more about this special type of mechanical equipment you can READ ABOUT IT HERE.
The thing to remember is that they’re not only very delicate machines, they’re huge! This one weighed well over 20,000 pounds so using a forklift (or two) wasn’t going to be enough. We had to bring along a crane. Fortunately, providing crane service is something we do and our professional riggers are adept at.
Don’t forget to check us out on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/machinerymoversusa and keep up with us weekly on this Recent Jobs Blog at https://pedowitzmachineryrigging.com/recent-trucking-rigging-jobs-charlotte-nc/
Check out all the machinery moving action on our YouTube Channel at youtube.com/machinerymoversusa. Of course you can keep up with our crane services and mechanical equipment riggers on our blog here: https://pedowitz.com/nyc-trucking-rigging-company-recent-jobs/
Remember, when it comes to mechanical equipment rigging whether in Charlotte or Danville Illinois, shop owners trust Pedowitz.