Machinery Movers NYC Rigging KMC-4000SV-H Machining Center
Vertical machining centers like this Kao Ming can handle oversized, heavy work pieces at extreme accuracy. Often this comes into play in both aerospace and die mold applications. Which is why we cannot tell you who the client is or where as the nature of their use of this heavy and irregular shaped piece of heavy equipment is sort of secret.
Suffice it to say though that this Defense Contractor called Pedowitz Machinery Movers to rig up and move this 23,000 pound machine.
Check out our YouTube Channel at youtube.com/machinerymoveresusa. Of course you can keep up with our crane services and mechanical equipment riggers on our blog here: https://pedowitz.com/nyc-trucking-rigging-company-recent-jobs/
Remember when it comes to Crane Rigging NYC Generator Transport Service call Pedowitz Machinery Movers at (800) 794-8817